Hilarious & Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife

Dearly loved ones, it has always been my pleasure and pride to be with my devoted wife in trying to celebrate the Seventieth Birthday in our togetherness over all the years. Making a happy, funny, and loving birthday is what the birthday is all about, not only gifts and sweet treats. So, discovering the right Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for a Wife can enhance her big day.

And sometimes, making your wife laugh is a sign of grooming that you still love her. Sprinkling some references referring to her favorite kind of humor under the umbrella of birthday greetings helps a lot – she loves jokes, one-liners, and even a little teasing, so all will fit on her special day. With the right Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for your Wife, remind her that age is just a number and laughter keeps the heart young.

In this article, we will share some of the best Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife which should bring a smile onto her face. Wishing you one and his wishes is one of such wishes which is motivated and brings humor to your wife criminal. These are some humorous and warm one-liners for the birthday person turning 70:

1. Funny and Lively Birthday Greetings 

A nice tease is a fun way to celebrate your wife’s 70th anniversary in certain situations. These come in humorous enough to cause her to chuckle whilst at the very same time assuring her she is loved.

2. Humorous Age-Related Birthday Messages

Age is impossible to change, so aging is something that we can’t escape, but it’s always good to make a joke out of it!!! These are merry, carefree messages that will help your wife rejoice in the yesteryear, for they will bring a smile to her face.

3. Sweet And Funny Compliments for Your Wife

Nothing is as rewarding as using comforting yet funny words to pamper an older adult because growing old is a privilege; they deserve such pampering. These are comical and ponderous at once on her special birthday to remind your wife about.

So, here are the best Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife to make her grin on this pleasant event!

1. Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife to Celebrate Her Special Day  

1. Happy 70th birthday, my love! Congratulations, darling! Now you can regard yourself as a classic like wine and cars. Fancy!  

2. As the ryokan age was another accomplishment, they say, its wisdom still prevailed. Well, do you now, for once in your life, accept that I was right for all those years?  

3. Happy birthday to my beautiful wife. We love you so much; though you are now 70, your beauty is like a 50-year beautiful lady. If you continue like this for one more year, you will be 25!  

4. You are not old, my dear; you are just wise, having been conquering life’s battles and me for a great deal of time!  

5. I didn’t get a chance to say much but still wanted to give my dose of humor; I said, At 70, you are like my favorite book, which has stories, laughter, and a few pages missing.  

2. Hilarious and Playful Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife  

1. Happy 70th birthday! This is to say, do not worry; I still see you as young as you are, particularly when I take my glasses off.  

2. You are not 70; you are 18 with a bonus of 52 years of work experience. Keep rocking, my love!  

3. Congratulations on reaching level 70! Now, gentlemen, let’s open the senior citizen special, shall we?  

4. Happy birthday, sweetheart! The sound of laughter prolongs life, at least according to my jokes.  

5. You are 70 years old, and it seems you have no plans to retire soon!  

Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife

3. Witty and Lighthearted Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife  

1. Happy 70th birthday, my love! I’m not a liar: you look 69 and a half, and if you allow me to be more precise, you have the air of 69 years, 6 months, and 3 weeks.  

2. Happy birthday again; I will not tell you how many years it has been since you blew out candles on your cake, but I will in the morning.  

3. On your seventieth birthday, ladies and gentlemen, she has perfectly embodied beauty, knowledge, and, most importantly, the ability to overlook my humorlessness!  

4. Happy birthday! If the administration gets into the habit of setting indices upon the basis of ingrained beliefs with no regard for the actual truth of today’s biophysical reality as ‘70 is the new 50’, does this mean that you have to take me on another honeymoon?  

5. overs and years as a television show, and still getting the better of me! The one appeal I ask of you is to please do not steal my cake.  

4. Age is Just a Number: Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife  

1. They say that age does not matter… but with you, it is hidden better than any detective’s secret.  

2. 70 candles? One can only hope that the fire department is available for your cake!  

3. Perhaps now you are far 70, but in my view, you are still a young, beautiful, and somewhat authoritative wife.  

4. Happy birthday! Can I remind you that at seventy, one can afford to forget things or perhaps where he hid my snacks?  

5. Even time cannot compete with how long I have loved you; hence, let time continue as our witness.  

5. Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife to Keep Her Laughing  

1. I asked the doctor if it was possible to appear young at 70—he answered me, “Laughing!” Here is your joke: I married you!  

2. 70 years young and still the boss of this house! You do not need to worry because I will never forget your birthday for the rest of your life.  

3. Happy birthday! There is a joke that the price of the candles is much higher than the cake when one becomes old; thus, I have bought fewer candles!  

4. My darling, if life was racing and aging came to be a race, you would still be winning the gold in the beauty pageantry of the 70s!  

5. It is fun to be a VIP, especially in life, and at 70 years of age, one has to be very lucky to get this exploit. Take caress, my queen, of the senior discounts!  

6. Loving and Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife with a Touch of Humor  

1. Happy 70th birthday, my love! I promise to love you forever, even if we cannot find where we set the glasses.  

2. Though now you are 70 years old, and probably you are precisely the girl I fell in love with, only now your face has some kind ofrouch marks, right?  

3. Happy birthday! For several years, you had been sexually stimulating me—just don’t hope that I am finally losing my heartbeat.  

4. On my 70th birthday, you said something I have come to believe in that age is just a mere figure but a lot of practice in managing you.  

5. As the adage goes ‘there’s nothing sexier than smart sexy’, you still have a beautiful smile but wit added to it.  

7. Sweet and Silly Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife  

1. Happy 70th birthday! You are very mature, like a good wine…played deep, and deserve many laughs.  

2. You are 70 years old and I have always tried to follow your example for most of that time.  

3. The fun part of my life is getting married, and today, she is my 70-year-old rather beautiful and a little naughty wife.  

4. Today, I love you more than yesterday, and I still love you today when we both have hearing aids on our ears.  

5. Jake, they say that love becomes stronger with time, and so does the power to order you around for me!  

Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife

8. Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife That Will Make Her Feel Young

1. You are 70, but your joke is lewd and reckless—as lively as you are!  

2. Happy birthday! You are as strong as a 30-year man, as wise as a 70-year man, and as patient as a saint for putting up with me.  

3. 70 years, and still, you turn me on. Perhaps that may be my cholesterol, too…  

4. My dear, you are not old. You are just a first edition!  

5. Well, at 70 years, you are still eye-popping and hooting to see who is making such a ruckus!  

9. Teasing and Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife That She’ll Enjoy

1. Happy birthday, my love! They say wrinkles are obtained through wisdom, if so, then maybe I’m that man’s wisest woman.  

2. 70 marvelous years and fifty years tell me it is time to take out the trash.  

3. If one is going to take the 70’s equal 40’s concept literally, would you still consider me your young and handsome prince?  

4. You’ve reached 70 years, my dear! It is an excellent contribution and will never get old before you reach your cake’s birthday candles!  

5. The good news? You’re 70 and fabulous. The bad news? Although quite old, I would like to let you know that I am still a troublemaker!  

10. Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife About Growing Older with Grace

1. My dear, you have grown like wine, sweet, powerful and with periods that make the head reel.  

2. It seems cruel to expect this woman at 70 to be put anti-aging cream on; in fact, she should be given a trophy for being this wonderful.  

3. Happy birthday! Ever since I saw you, the impossible became possible, and we have become veterans in life’s journey!  

4. It is said that people’s speed is reduced as they age, but as far as you are concerned, you still outrun me.  

5. They say you are wise and charming and have a husband and a son whose idea of household chores as simple as loading the dishwasher is astronomical.  

11. Clever and Quirky Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife

1. Happy 70th birthday! You are unique, Diamond! Unlike the items you buy at a store that can be returned if unwanted, you are beyond value.  

2. People say that if a man stands behind a great man, there is a great woman; behind that woman is a mountain of cumulative birthday cakes.  

3. Happy birthday today to the sharpest mind, the most patient soul, and the one who tolerates me despite my witty sense of humor, developed over the last 70 years.  

4. They say that with age comes growth in various ways; well, I certainly know how to pretend to pay attention now!  

5. Of all the unforgettable moments I have experienced in the last 70 years – you are my most excellent adventure.  

Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife

12. Sarcastic Yet Loving Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife

1. Congratulations, my love! Perhaps you used to associate naps with childhood, but you can now attest that they are necessary in your daily routine.  

2. You’ve turned 70! With advancements in technology, that is the kind of excuse that you can use now that you have aged, and people might understand your laziness.  

3. At 70, you become even more beautiful, especially near the candlelight.  

4. Giving personalities even to your wrinkles was so typical of youKeep shining, my love!  

5. Happy birthday! You may be 70 and unable to do all the hard work as before, but you can still control me.  

13. Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife That Highlight Her Timeless Beauty

1. Is still at 70-a-year’s requisite level of attractiveness, mainly because folks don’t expect this ‘youngster’ to be that wise.  

2. They say beauty is skin deep, and she fades with time, but my darling, it seems you have not read that statement.  

3. If aging is a sin, and the things 70 years of love, laughter, and adventure caused on your face are wrinkles, then one must sin wholeheartedly.  

4. My dear wife, today you have shown me that you do not know what it means to age and that beauty is eternal!  

5. The charm, the smile, and the beauty you possess are and will continue to be precious, no matter how many years have passed since your birthday.  

14. Short and Sweet Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife

1. Happy 70th birthday! You are my favorite present, the funniest joke I know, and the love of my life.  

2. 70 and fabulous! I hope anyone who is looking for youth may live as many years as he wants next to me, laughing =)  

3. Happy birthday, my love! Hey, dear, this is a lovely message: at 70, you are like a rare book filled with more knowledge, a bit more frayed at the corners.  

4. The best part about turning 70? It is now possible to forget how old one is!  

5. You have been 70 years old and still give me a feeling of Hill Rola Bated; maybe it is because of my old age.  

15. Heartwarming and Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife to Make Her Day Special

1. Happy birthday, my love! You have mastered love, laughter, and being a drill sergeant in checking up on me at 70.  

2. ‘’Seventy looks good on you, probably because you don’t behave like one!’’ 

3. You are a good example of age not determining anything, but love grows stronger with time.

4. Frankly, I developed feelings for you several years ago, and still, you are the most significant event in my life at the age of 70.

5. Happy birthday! I’ve always got you; no matter how old we grow, you’re the 1 fan and your worst joke-giver.  

Turning 70 is an incredible journey filled with love, memories, and , of course, laughter. Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife If you celebrate your wife’s special day, then making her laugh is the best way. Light-hearted teasing, funny jokes, and love sentiments can make her day more memorable.

Whether it is Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife showing her glamorous looks who is getting older, Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife showing her are older with wisdom and experience, or Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife with her sense of humor — the point of Funny 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife is to keep her smiling. These wishes remind her that although she is older and another year has passed, birthdays are also a time to add rejoicing, laughter, adventure, and excitement to their lives together.

This 70th Birthday Wishes for Wife is what she needs to feel all funny and let her enjoy her life with the world. And despite another candle on her cake, her laughter and love will forever keep her young. Cheers to many more years of happiness, laughter, and love!


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